Friday, August 21, 2015

5 best Homeopathic Medicines for UTI

 Homeopathic medicines for UTI are very effective and give results in a very short period of time. Anyone who has doubt over the efficacy of Homeopathy can see it for himself or herself in a case of UTI. How the miniscule pills of Homeopathy are able to cure will seem nothing less than magic. This is something I can say with a lot of confidence. I have seen so many cases of UTI in my practice that I have lost count of them. In all cases, the homeopathic medicines have worked miraculously. There is no  doubt about that. On the basis of my experience treating UTIs, I am giving these 5 best Homeopathic medicines for UTI.

Cantharis-one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with frequent urination

When there is a persistent and frequent urge to urinate, Cantharis is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI. Every now and then, one feels the urge to pass urine. When one goes to pass urine, the quantity of urine may be little. But after a little time, the urge occurs again. This is one of the leading symptoms that point to Cantharis. When this symptom is present, the medicine is sure to give good results. Of course, there are other symptoms too. There is intense burning and cutting during urination. There may be pain after passing a few drops of urine. The burning is so intenses that the urine seems to scald him. The urine may even be bloody. Urine may pass only drop by drop. There may be pain in the back also. There may be cutting pain before, during and after urination.

Apis-one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with burning at the end of urination

When there is burning at the end of urination, Apis is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI. The urine may be scanty. Despite urine being scanty, there is frequent urge to urinate. The urine is high coloured and muddy. Another characteristic symptom pointing to this medicine is thirstlesness. The patient hardly seems to have any thirst. There may be some dropsical swellings around the eyes. The patient is worse in heat and hot weather. Cold weather and cold applications seem to relieve the patient.

Staphysagria-One of the best homeopathic medicines for UTI in newly married women

When UTI occurs in newly married men as a result of sexual activity, Staphysagria is one of the best homeopathic medicines for UTI. It is often known as Honeymoon cystitis and Staphysagria is a very good medicine for this situation. There is ineffectual urge to urinate. This can be extended to women who have UTI after intercourse, even when they are not newly married. This medicine is also good for bedridden patients. There is a sensation as if a drop of urine is rolling down the urethra. This feeling is constantly present. Burning in urethra while urinating is also present. There is pressure on the bladder and it feels as if it has not been emptied. Staphysagria is also good for UTI when it occurs due to prostatic enlargements.

Sarsaparilla-one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with pain extending to back

When there is pain in the urinary bladder region or the lower abdomen and it extends to the back, Sarsaparilla is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI. The pain is more in the right kidney region. The urine is sandy. There is sediment in the urine. At times urine may be bloody. It is also a very good medicine for UTI in infants.

Benzoic Acid-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for UTI with strong smell

When there is a very strong smell in the urine, Benzoic Acid is one of the best Homeopthic medicines for UTI. The strong smell is as if that of from horse’s urine. It is repulsive and one cannot stand the strong smell. Another strong symptom that indicates this medicine is intense pain in urethra when not urinating. The pain occurs when the patient is not urinating but does not occur while he is passing urine.

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